Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Feedback From Teachers

Yesterday, my media teacher took some time to look at my video which she said she enjoyed and thought was very clever.
However, she did give me some criticisms which I plan to work from, along with the criticisms from my target audience:
The first shot where the male actor comes in is unconvincing and he sings out of sync with the music. Both my Media teachers think that this will bring my mark down significantly and so I have decided to re-film this shot. It should not be any trouble to do so as it is on a white background, which we have no shortage of in my school. As my male actor goes to school with me, it will be easy for us to stay behind after school for half an hour to re-film this shot and make it look more convincing, which I will then be able to cut into my music video.
Her second criticism was about some of the fades in the video. She said that she thought a few of them were too long, making the video clip it transitioned into too short. I will review the music video, clip by clip to ensure that the fades match the pace of the music video and do not make the clip too long or short.

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