Friday, December 7, 2012

Post Production Questions and Answers

The audience watching my video

Today I showed my music video to an audience of Year 13 students (aged 17-18) and teachers (who were my target audience). Although my video is aimed at an older audience, I wanted to show it to people my age too, to see the differences in interpretations of the video with the differences in age. This questionnaire was desgined to help me with my evaluation and some post-production audience research.

These are the questions I asked, with a summary of the answers:

1. Male or Female
    A majority were female

2. Age
    As a majority of the audience were from Year 13, they were in the age
    group '16-20'. I also invited members of my target audience in the 30+ age

3. Would you have this song on your MP3 player?
    The people who are part of my target audience all answered 'yes' to this
    question, which supports my choice to target this age group. Surprisingly,
    most of the Year 13 students also answered that they would have this song
    on their MP3 player, which suggests that this video could target a wider
    audience than I first expected.

4. What is your favourite genre of music?
    There was a large variety of taste in music from my audience, but a majority
    of them preferred pop and variations of rock such as rock/pop and
    rock/metal. As 'Where The Wild Roses Grow' could be described as soft rock
    I believe that my audience were appropriate to critique this video.

5. Summarise the story that takes place in the music video
    All members of my target audience understood the narrative and some were
    able to look deeper into the meaning of the story, suggesting that maybe
    there were issues of identity for both characters. Most of the audience from
    Year 13 were able to understand that the two characters were in love, and
    many answers to this question were 'a love story between a man and a
    woman'. Few people understood the jealousy of the male character, which
    was a reason I did not choose this age group as my target audience, as they
    were unable to see the deeper meaning of the video.

6. Why do you think the male character acted in the way he did?
    The only female from my target audience was able to look deeper into the
    motivation of the male character, which meant that she could interpret the
    video in an individual way and that she thought more about it. She created
    for herself a back story for the character which aided her interpretation.
    The two males from my target audience did not think as analytically,
    although they were able to see the most obvious interpretation that he may
    have suffered mental problems and wanted to keep her beauty to himself.
    Many member of the audience from Year 13, felt that the character may have
    had insecurities, which is typical of a teenage character not an ageless one. 
    The younger audience were interpreting the character through a teenage
    perspective of insecurities and immature relationships which is another
    reason I did not choose them as my target audience.

7. Did you find the actors convincing? Why?
    Most people found the female character more convincing that the male
    character as they felt that her emotions came across more effectively on her
    face. However, in a couple of cases, audience members felt that the actors
    were too emotionless.

8. Were you entertained by the video? Did you find yourself losing
    interest at any particular moments?
    My target audience found themselves engaged in the music video throughout,
    which means that I have been successful in entertaining them. They found
    the storyline effective in keeping them engaged, although the female
    member of my target audience found some shots, such as the rose in the
    female character's teeth noticeably 'unproffessional'.
    The Year 13 members of my audience, were all entertained by the video,
    without losing interest. They were also captivated by the narrative style,
    which kept them engaged.

9. What was your favourite moment/aspect of the video?
    My target audience all enjoyed the part where the female character 
    (when she is dead) opens her eyes and begins to sing. They also liked the
    characters singing against the white background.
    A majority of my Year 13 audience preferred the ending of the music video,
    where the male and female characters both walk away from the river bank,
    the female character dropping her rose as she walks.

10. What would you change in the video?
     My target audience picked up on some of the less proffessional aspects of
     the video, such as the casting of the male character and some of the
     locations. They felt that the locations such as the sofa that the female
     character sat on, took away from the atmosphere of the video.
     My Year 13 audience were less anylitical in their answers to this question.
     Some suggested better direction of the male actor as he was not
     emotive enough. Another suggestion was more variation of scenes.

Audience filling out questionnaire

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